I am building my first 18 watter, an sIII, and am almost finished. As part of the start up check, I calculated the idle bias on the EL84s.
I have about 345 volts on the plates, 12.5 volts on the cathode and a 150 ohm cathode resistor. If I did my math correctly, I'm running about 13.8 watts on the bias.
Here are my calculations. Net plate voltage = 345-12.5 = 332.5 v
Cathode current = 12.5/150 = .083 ma. Divide that by 2 tubes and you have .0416 ma. .0416 * 332.5 = 13.8 watts.
An EL84 is rated for 12 watts max plate dissipation and I would think somewhere around 8 watts would be correct for the idle bias.
Did I screw up somewhere?